Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It's a....


We are so excited for Emrie to have a little sister! We had a gender reveal party with all of our friends and family and didn't find out until we opened up the trunk with balloons! Such a fun way to find out :)

I know I have been m.i.a, but it has been crazy busy around here.  I thought it was only fair to tell you what we are having though since I made the announcement that we were pregnant! Hopefully I will keep up with the blog a little better!

We are so excited to meet our sweet little one in January! And for her name we have decided on...
No middle name yet.  We have a few floating around.  But Monroe was the town I grew up in as a little kid and also is a family name on Grant's side so it seemed only fitting.  I am quite smitten over her name :)

Thursday, May 31, 2012


We are so excited to announce the Emrie will be a big sister come January!!!
I think one of the biggest blessings you can give your child is a sibling.  How fun to be able to grow up and do life with family! We are so excited for this journey and craziness ahead :)

Monday, March 26, 2012


I can't believe my little Emrie is one today!

I haven't blogged in forever because I have been lovin on this girl and planning for her fun pink lemonade party!

I wanted to make her 1st Birthday party special and one to remember, so I worked long and hard trying to make every little detail count! I might do a couple tutorials on some of the things I made for it.

This little one has brought so much joy into our lives and I couldn't imagine doing life without her! We love you Emrie bug!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My little Valentine

Even with a fever and bad cold, this little one always has a smile!

Happy Valentines Day!

Share the Love Link Up: Love story

This is the last link up with Keeping up with the Cantelmo's and The Pink Ruffle!

Today is all about our love stories! I will give you the short version.

I met Grant when I was 18....he was 25 :) I was just out of high school and went to a church college group with my best friend and sister.  Grant greeted us and right away I thought he was so cute! Week after week I would see him and say "hi Grant!" and he would usually say "what's your name again?"
Soon, there was a connection though, but I didn't know how old he was.  I thought maybe 21 :) Once we figured out each others ages things changed a little.  I didn't mind he was 7 years older, but Grant coached soccer for 18 year olds and so he thought it was a little weird.  We continued to talk and hang out and soon the weirdness of age went away and we knew that it didn't matter.

We dated for 2 years which seemed like forever because I knew he was the one and just wanted to get married!

We got engaged on December 24, 2007
Took engagement photos a couple months later
Got married May 10, 2008

And the rest is history :)

I am soo thankful for a husband who puts my needs before his, loves me selflessly, strives to be a man of God and is pretty much the best dad in the world to our sweet Emrie. 

I can't wait to hear your stories!!

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Next Month and a Psalm

Hi, my name is Emrie and I am going to be one next month!
This girl loves walking all by herself outside and picking up rocks.

She also has decided to play in the bath.  Before she would just sit there and not mind it but not play.  Now our whole bathroom after is soaking wet from all her splashing.

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer" Psalm 19:14

This is one of my favorite verses of all time and I try to stay true to this verse to my best ability. I fail, but good thing our God is gracious right? :)